The Black Hammer (The Phantom)

Morning Fog Emerging From Trees
Photo Credit: A Guy Taking Pictures via Compfight
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Evan Leeson via Compfight

The Phantom’s Lair, an abyss of a home. Like being hit with the darkness of a black hammer.The lair is lined with darkness in every crack and cranny. This is not a place you would want to be in, or even know about in the first place.

Christine, Christine, come with me, you have nothing to be scared of. I will protect you from any fears you may have. You don’t think I’m gonna hurt you, do you? Why would I hurt you? You don’t have to be scared of the dark walls and the demented things I have of you. For it is only out of love that I have these retched things.  Stay with me and I will love you for an eternity.

Don’t mind the fact that I brought you down here against your will. Only think of us together, me happy and you dealing with the knowledge that you will never live for real ever again.

The Dungeon…


Down, Down, Down we go.

Down we go to the prison of his mind, Deep down to the dungeon of his dark despair. I know the way by heart, so follow me.

I’ve only been once before, but something eerie in my mind lured me back. So here I am.

He leads me to a boat, says, “Run! Quick”, and down the path he flees. Behind me I hear a mob of angry men. Carefully stepping into the boat, I muster up my strength and paddle away. My strength was hard to find, down in the back of my mind, next to all of the vulnerability and fear. There’s so little of it now, ever since I met him.

I feel trapped, taken, abducted. Something’s controlling my mind. He’s in my head.  It wasn’t my choice to come here, but I did anyways. He told me he loved me, and I couldn’t stay away.Where did he go…ahh!

Rats? How could a human live here? Ohh…but he’s not. I’ve never been this far in before. Scary…. “Oh sweet Angel of music! Where are you? Hands at the level of your eyes, hands at the level of your eyes.” I whisper back and forth to myself I thousand times. I can never forget it. He never truly trust anyone. Not even me.

I hear sounds. What is it? Could it be-


The bittersweet violin leads me to a room of mirrors. I think I’ll sing along! Dancing, humming, singing, I think to myself, this might be the most fun I’ve had in this godforsaken cave-

A mirror broke. I turn around quickly. He’s here.

The Phantom of the Opera.

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Joshua Hoffman via Compfight

The Candle

Photo Credit: Neal Fowler via Compfight

My eyes flew open in a dark place. There was nothing I could see. All my senses were oblivious except the faint squeak of the rats. I got up and wandered around searching for a source of light when suddenly a light flickered before my eyes and nearly knocked me off my feet. But I picked it up and began to wondering around looking for a way to get out of here, anything to get me out of here… All I wanted to get out of this grimy prison.

As my feet trudged across the floor my eyes caught sight of a narrow passage way that I began to squeeze through. As I reached the end of this ancient hallway the air began to reek of rotten flesh. The smell grew stronger and stronger until I found the horrifying source of this stench. It was a chamber filled with men and women hanging from nooses surrounding them there was a ring of broken mirrors. Covering my nose I advanced through the chamber that must have belonged some kind of crazy man… or creature.

In the middle of the room there was a thrown that looked lonely. As I approached it the flame of this magical candle the flame flickered like a mad man. It seemed like this dungeon had no end. But my will to survive was too great so I walked up to the one of the mirrors and picked up a shard and as I looked into it there was a white mask behind me and I felt a shove and I fell. The last thing I felt was the rats crawling over my body.

The Phantom’s lair


The phantoms lair is a place that nobody dare go. It is a dark and dreary place of sadness and depression. There is no light that would dare shine upon  the phantoms face.

He has candle obera  set all around, the flames flickering beneath the opera house.

A filthy spooky place that no human could ever bare to live, but the phantom lives there, dispute the gruesomeness and piles of bones, away from the worlds criticism.

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: gato-gato-gato via Compfight

His Hallow of Despair

the zutons:how does it feel?

“Watch your step while we’re down here.  Now everyone, this is the last known place of the Phantom of the Opera. It was the opening night of ‘Don Juan Triumphant’ every thing was going smooth until… the man playing the lead guy was put to death… Christine was taken under the opera house and people followed.”

I start to scan the room just to figure out what this place really was.  Also I want to know what we will encounter on this tour. However all I see is black, black, and more black.  No sight of light any where except the ones put in just for the tour.  Directly in front of me I see a cloak thrown over a chair.  A chair: covered with black and the deepest of the deep purple.  What really caught me off guard was the scarlet red cloak thrown over the chair.  

“What is that on the chair?” I asked I must of looked pretty stupid with puzzled look I had on my face.  “That my dear is the throne of the phantom. That is the last known of place the phantom.  Most people say he just disappeared.  Come along everyone nothing to be afraid of.”

As we get closer and closer I start to see that the cloak was not meant to be red it was just . . . blood!  Knowing the history of the phantom of the opera it was easy to tell exactly where the bold came from.

We enter a cavern to find . . . stacks of rope, rope, and even more rope.  You would need ten times the size of our tour group to even get near the amount of rope.  All of a sudden chills run down my back.

As we are leaving out of the corner of my eye I notice an organ.  The organ was blacker than black not even sure what color to call it.  As I get closer I notice there is still music on it. Barely even able to make out the words: The Music of the Night.

“Come on its time to go Mark.”: Raoul’s nephew.



Photo Credit: Lali Masriera via Compfight


The Pit of Eternal Night


Okay, so there’s this thing called the Phantom’s lair, and its supposed to be really scary and stuff. I think these ideas are a bunch of baloney. In Christine’s room- rumor has it that behind the mirror is this trapdoor thing-a-ma-jiggy, and it leads down down down down down down down down down down down down down down into the Phantom’s lair. Sooooo… behind the mirror is this (obviously) painting of a fake tunnel that leads downwards. Well, it is amazing artwork, so I’ll take a photo of me leaning against it to make it look like I’m falling. Here we go, and– AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Okay, there’s my picture, now for a more realistic pose… AHHHHHHHHHHH (I’m actually falling this time.)

Deep deep down below the opera house I have stumbled upon the lair of the Phantom. Only being able to see 2 feet in front myself through the thick veil of fog, I attempted to find a clearing. As the mist begins to fade I jump at the sound of a single drop of water that had managed to escape the grasp of the ceiling to reach the lake below. My feet make a clamping noise from colliding with the ground after the jump… the sound seeming to echo on forever of the vast walls of emptiness.

Through a door I find a small chamber. In it is an organ–rotting away as if nobody had ever given it any care. In the opposite corner stands a frame. Below it– lay fragments of a shattered mirror. Looking closer, in the place of where the mirror should have been, is a skull– drawn out of ashes.

About ready to leave, I make my way back to the underground lake. The murky water makes the lake appear to have no bottom. In the reflection of the water is a torch, the only object providing light to this lair of eternal darkness. The torch is flickering about– a bit like a tongue– in the darkness surrounding. It’s the only torch there, the only one…and its flame goes out…

My first thought– oh-no-bro, this isn’t good. Unable to see, I’m about to panic when this music starts playing. Although its a bit creepy, and it’s not a song, just the sound of an organ as if someone was slamming his hand up and down the keys of the piano. I’m a bit calmer after the music ends, but I’m still trying to find my way out. Then I feel something slip around my neck. I can’t see anything, is it… a necklace maybe? You know what, this place might not be so bad after all. I mean, the music was a little creepy, and the necklace may be a bit too tight, but– okay, maybe the necklace is way too tight. Anyways, as I’m gasping for air because of the constricting force of this tight necklace, but maybe the Phantom isn’t so bad after all…

End of Act III

Image credit:
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Evan Leeson via Compfight





Lair of death and despair

Photo Credit: aussiegall via CompfightDeep Below an opera house
A cavern of rats, bats, and the occasional mouse
Psychotic laughter filled the lair
A Lair of death and despair
A noose on the ground stained with blood
The floor and walls all made of mud
One organ black as night
And a mask on top completely white
A lake ran by filthy and green
And a black musical throne worthy for a king or queen


Morning Fog Emerging From Trees

The mob delved into the depths expecting a dark, vile place. However, as they approached the bottom, all they saw was a large house sitting alone in a dark field. “Bah,” they told themselves, “It must be evil.” They walked up to the door, keeping an eye out for the Phantom, and found the door was unlocked. Walking in, they immediately noticed how unimaginably cold it was. They could just barely make out a long corridor lit only by the lonely flickering of a dim candle, and the only thing they could hear was their footsteps and faint organ music coming from somewhere in the house.

Marching onwards, they walked past several doors they were either too scared or too determined to open, until the corridor opened up into a large room, furnished only with a small, wooden table and chair sitting in the middle of the room and a simple chandelier on the ceiling barely managing to light the room. As they looked around, they saw a door on the side of the room. Behind the door was a dark staircase, which they promptly marched up in hopes to find the Phantom.

As they marched up, the music got louder, and the mob could have sworn they could make out the voice of the Phantom. However, when they reached the top, they only found a small, unadorned room with an organ sitting against the back wall. On the organ, they saw a cape, a rose, and a mask.

Photo Credit: A Guy Taking Pictures via Compfight

The Phantoms Lair


Down underneath the opera house.

Hallway after hallway turn after turn. Candles line both side of the hallways, shining bright but the heavy fog occupying the hallways make the candle light look dim. The concrete is gray and dry until you reach the underground lake where it begins to turn damp and dark. The boat used to get to the other side of the lake docked, moving slowly back and forth  as the water creeps through the cave.

On the other side of the lake is land. With a old leather throne with gold embroidery with a white mask perched on top. There are also antique paintings on the walls, crooked and  bent out of shape. On the cold concrete floor sits a dark red stained carpet with a mirror, smashed and stained with fingerprints. Around the mirror on the floor sits many glass chips soaked with fresh blood.

The air was cold and humid.  It was also mostly quiet all you could hear was the water in the underground lake move and hear the boat rock back and forth, back and forth caused by the water underneath it. The lair felt lonely and abandoned. Just standing there in the middle of the lair watching it, taking in all it’s glory. You get drowned by the feeling of despair.  



The Phantom of The Opera’s Brother

lanky midget zombie anorexic porn

Why would my brother bring me down to this place he calls a home? He knows I hate it.

A broken chandelier that looks to have fallen before looms above the dungeon. The rats scamper beneath my feet and scratches at a wall of rock in hope to get out. The giant statue of my brother and his dream girl loom above everything in this wretched place.

All of a sudden, a deep, low voice starts calling my name from the corner of the room. My brother is here. He pulls me over to him with his magic ropes and begins to show me around his home. He beckons me over to his organ, and plays for me his new piece he will use to impress his dream girl. While he is playing, a black cat with a rat tail hanging from its mouth sits on him, and chews it’s dinner.

My brother stops playing, and continues to show me his “house”. We cross a river made red from blood and head toward his room. My heart skips a beat when my brother disappears. Suddenly I start falling! I realize that we had gone through a trap door and begin panicking. What could be deeper than the dungeon?

We get to his room. The grand finale of this place. People hang from ropes everywhere. The bed is made of bones. The sheets are made of skin. The floor is covered in blood. Even the ropes are made of cat tails.

My brother forces me deeper into his room, and suddenly pushes me! I can’t control myself! My legs won’t work and my arms can’t stop myself. My brother just laughs and flicks his hand. A rope falls from the ceiling right in the path of me.

Time slows. I can’t believe my own brother is going to kill me. No wonder they call him The Phantom. I am going to be a part of my brother’s dead people collection. My brother turns me around to see the last thing I will ever see again. My brothers face… The Phantoms face… A devil’s face.


Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Jes via Compfight