Comments Welcome!

Students, this blog is your blog!  Feel free to speak up about anything here.  Share your thoughts, questions, and opinions.
Parents and other visitors, this invitation applies to you, too :- )

Not sure what to say?  The following suggestions might help you think about possible comments:

  • What does this post remind you of?  Make a connection to your own experience.
  • What do you already know about this topic?  Share your knowledge with the rest of us!
  • What questions do you have about this subject?  Maybe others are wondering the same things.
  • What do you think of the author’s writing?  Write a compliment or even a word of advice.  We are here to learn!

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Proofread your comment, then hit the “submit” button.  I look forward to hearing from you!

4 thoughts on “Comments Welcome!

  1. G’day Mrs Kriese and students,

    Thanks for registering for the September 2013 blogging challenge. Make sure you visit the blog every week starting 8th September, when the first challenge is published.

    If you want a reminder sent to your email each week, use the “Subscribe by email” on the right sidebar of the challenge blog.

    Also make sure you visit blogs from other classes around the world with similar ages – see list in blog header.

    Feel free to add the 2013 badge to your blog.

    Miss W or tasteach – challenge organizer

  2. I read your poem about how you loved rows, but if you loved rows so much, then why do you have the desks in your room in groups.

    • That’s the dilemma: what I preferred as a student is not what I think is the better choice from a teacher’s perspective. I will say that it depends on the lesson. There will certainly be days when our desks are in rows! Which do you prefer, William?

  3. I so agree with your quote from Donalyn Miller. My son once said to me, “mom, school ruins books.” Up to that point he had been a voracious reader loving nonfiction as well as fiction. It took almost 2years to get him back on the reading track! I was devastated. As a teacher myself I have been horrified at the way classroom teachers tear a great story apart and turn it into a bunch of grammar lessons and tasks. Yes, use the elements of a story to learn concepts but if your students can’t say when it’s all over – wow, what an awesome book- then you are doing something wrong! I used the reading program Writers Workshop for many years with great success. Even my reluctant readers were turned on. At conference time one student ‘s mother said that her once book hating son got caught late at night reading under the covers with a flashlight! Instead of being angry, she cried.
    You have made me a happy mother knowing that there are some teachers out there who get it! Thank you!

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