Lair of Loneliness

A Man, In a night, under sunlight...
 Creative Commons License

The Lair is empty. Nobody can be found inside the blood stained walls. The room is so large that it just doesn’t feel right to have it be so utterly empty.


A man steps out from behind one of the many golden framed mirrors. He walks to the lone organ that sits in the middle of the vast cavern. The sound that comes out of the organ when he plays it is sad, like the organ itself is sick of being alone in the dark and just wants to jump up and out of the this terribly lonely place!


Even with this loneliness the show must go on. “Down once more to the dungeon of my dark despair!” sings the man. Even though he is made of pure evil and has done terrible things in his life, you can’t help feeling bad for him. He was cast down to these empty, barren, desolate halls because no one had ever shown him love or compassion.


The lonely melody goes on and from above sounds start to echo through the large halls.


“Track down this murderer, he must be found”.


The Phantom of the Opera sits at the organ and listens to a small music box. All alone, all full of regret, all full of sadness, he enjoys his last moments of peace and solitude. It is now clear that he likes this loneliness. As the mob comes in he simply disappears, off to another place of solitude and where he can have no regret. Off to be with the loneliness he loves.


Photo Credit: Hamed Masoumi via Compfight