The Phantoms Lair

Let Me In (Flickr Blog May 07 2013)
 I walk into the lair and a cold chill runs up my spine, a dreary feeling runs all over my body. I cant  see much of anything at all, the only light being a flickering candle covered in wax, and the smell of an old attic. Little drips of water splash down onto the floor from somewhere unknown.

 As I walk along the cold, wet stone floor, seeing the shadow of the candle along the wall. I start to see an object in the corner, I walk closer and see it is a chair, covered in cobwebs and dust, with no occupant. Moving towards the middle of the lair, freezing feet, I look and find a huge organ, probably 100 years old. Cracks of the paint on the organ start to show golden wood peaking out. Behind the organ is a fresh sheet of music, and a wooden bench. I reach my shaking hand out and touch the organ. My fingers immediately are covered with a thin sheet of dust.

I hear a door open, my heart skipping a beat, and turn around, to face the phantom.