
Morning Fog Emerging From Trees

The mob delved into the depths expecting a dark, vile place. However, as they approached the bottom, all they saw was a large house sitting alone in a dark field. “Bah,” they told themselves, “It must be evil.” They walked up to the door, keeping an eye out for the Phantom, and found the door was unlocked. Walking in, they immediately noticed how unimaginably cold it was. They could just barely make out a long corridor lit only by the lonely flickering of a dim candle, and the only thing they could hear was their footsteps and faint organ music coming from somewhere in the house.

Marching onwards, they walked past several doors they were either too scared or too determined to open, until the corridor opened up into a large room, furnished only with a small, wooden table and chair sitting in the middle of the room and a simple chandelier on the ceiling barely managing to light the room. As they looked around, they saw a door on the side of the room. Behind the door was a dark staircase, which they promptly marched up in hopes to find the Phantom.

As they marched up, the music got louder, and the mob could have sworn they could make out the voice of the Phantom. However, when they reached the top, they only found a small, unadorned room with an organ sitting against the back wall. On the organ, they saw a cape, a rose, and a mask.

Photo Credit: A Guy Taking Pictures via Compfight

4 thoughts on “Solitude

  1. I like how you used the mobs perspective and not the phantoms. You gave your post a very creepy vibe. You put your setting somewhere outside of the phantoms lair, down underneath the opera. Which I like cause I pictured most of the posts having a setting down underneath the opera. Nice post! I found it very original.

  2. I felt this post had really good imagery. Such as the “long corridor lit only by the lonely flickering of a dim candle” or the “simple chandelier on the ceiling barely managing to light the room”.

  3. This post has some really good imagery and sensations, such as the dim candle being the only source of illumination in the hallway, or the chilly air and the sound of faint organ music. I also like the ending: “The mob could have sworn they could make out the voice of the Phantom. However, when they reached the top, they only found a small, unadorned room with an organ sitting against the back wall. On the organ, they saw a cape, a rose, and a mask.” It builds tension and you could imagine being surprised as a member of that mob when that was all you found. Excellent post!

  4. I like how you built up suspense in “As they marched up, the music got louder, and the mob could have sworn they could make out the voice of the Phantom. However, when they reached the top, they only found a small, unadorned room with an organ sitting against the back wall. On the organ, they saw a cape, a rose, and a mask” and I also like how you described as a house that a mob was describing while raiding.

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